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Terms & Conditions
Rental Policy Information
Facility Usage: Facilities may not be reserved more than one (1) year in advance. No facilities may be used for fundraising purposes without prior approval from the Parks & Recreation Director. Commercial solicitation and transactions are prohibited. The Parks & Recreation Director must approve requests for periodic, regularly recurring use of facilities. When facilities are not in use for scheduled activities and are available to the public for rent, then use of facilities is available on a first come, first serve basis.
Hours: Facilities may be rented Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., or Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Please allow appropriate time for setup before the event and clean up after the event in your rental time slot.
Rental Agreement: To reserve a facility, a Facility Rental Agreement must be completed, signed and returned to the Parks & Recreation
Department. Facility Rental Agreements are available at the Ben Robertson Community Center and on the City web site at www.kennesawparksandrec.com.
Rental Fees: All rental fees and security deposit are due at the time of application. Applicant and guests may be subject to eviction, loss of security deposit and additional rental fees up to twice the rental rate if event exceeds Rental End Time. Applicant may also lose facility use privileges.
Security Deposit: All rental applicants must pay a security deposit. The deposit is refundable if, and only when, the facility is left clean and there is no damage to furnishings or equipment. If damage occurs and the cost of the damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, the rental applicant will be billed for any additional expense. Damages could lead to losing facility use privileges. The decision of whether the deposit shall be refunded is solely up to the Parks & Recreation Department and will not be refunded until City personnel have inspected the facility.
Cleaning: The facility must be cleaned, all decorations and trash must be removed, and the facility must be vacated by the end time indicated on the Facility Rental Agreement. The rental applicant is responsible for removal of all personal articles, including leftover food, decorations, etc., and depositing trash in the dumpster behind the building. All tabletops, chairs, counter tops, and any appliances used must be wiped clean. Rental applicant is required to sweep or mop if needed. If it becomes necessary for City personnel to do an extensive amount of cleaning, there will be a corresponding deduction from the security deposit, as determined by the Parks & Recreation Department.
Reservation Status: A rental reservation is considered the rental applicant has signed binding after the Facility Rental Agreement and approved by City personnel. Rental applicants may not advertise any event until this time.
Cancellation Policy: There will be a cancellation fee of $25.00 if facility rented and reserved is not cancelled at least 15 days prior to the event.
Floor Plan: To assure that setup needs are met in a timely manner, rental applicants are required to turn in a detailed floor plan with the front desk personnel at least two (2) week prior to the rental. City personnel are responsible for setting up the necessary tables and chairs for the event according to the floor plan. If the floor plan is not received prior to the event, City personnel will setup the room according to the estimated attendance indicated on the rental agreement.
Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol may be served to persons 21 years of age or older under the terms and conditions consistent with the applicable laws of the State of Georgia as long as the rental applicant abides by the following rules:
1) A closed function event serving alcohol required by law, with no exceptions, a permit from the City of Kennesaw.
2) An Alcohol Permit Application must be submitted at least 21 days in advance to be approved. City personnel will assist the rental applicant in obtaining this permit. The permit specifies the hours in which the closed function is permitted to occur, and must be posted in a conspicuous location during the event.
3) Individuals attending the function may only consume alcoholic beverages inside the rented room. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed anywhere else in the building or outside.
4) If alcohol is being served, a City of Kennesaw police officer must be present from the time guests begin arriving to the end time listed on the Facility Rental Agreement. City personnel will assist with scheduling the police officer. The rental applicant is required to pay for the police officer at a rate of $84.24 per hour with a 4 hour minimum.
5) The rental applicant will take responsibility for and hold the City of Kennesaw harmless from all liabilities arising from the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Caterers: Rental applicants may choose to employ an outside caterer for their event. Caterers are required to abide by all policies outlined in the Facility Rental Agreement. All food and beverages must be removed from the premises after the event. Waste food, ice and beverages may not be dumped onto soil or landscaping anywhere on the premises by guests or catering staff. Rental applicants and/or their caterers are required to provide their own tableware, linens, and service needs. No catering equipment, decor or other items may be left behind or stored on the property before/after an event unless prior arrangements have been made with the Parks & Recreation Director. The City of Kennesaw is not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.
Parking: Ample parking is available in the Ben Robertson Community Center parking lot on a first come, first serve basis. Parking permits are not required. City personnel do not direct traffic/parking. Accessible parking is available on the side and front of the building.
Minors: Any rental with participants under the age of 18 is required to have at least one adult chaperon for every ten minors present during the event.
Personal Property: The City of Kennesaw is not responsible for any valuables or personal property left on the premises.
Facility Appearance: The City of Kennesaw cannot guarantee that the rented space will have the same appearance as when originally viewed.
Decorations: No decorations or temporary fixtures may be affixed to the building or any architectural feature with nails, tacks, staples, or any application that will cause irreversible damage. Tape is not permitted on any walls, glass or fixtures.
Confetti: Thrown rice, birdseed, glitter, and all types of confetti are prohibited inside or outside the Ben Robertson Community Center.
Candles: All candles must be contained in a glass container taller than the top of the candle flame.
Smoking: Smoking is prohibited inside the Ben Robertson Community Center. Kennesaw city parks are “Breathe Easy Zones.” Tobacco products, smoking and e-cigarettes are prohibited on all Kennesaw Parks & Recreation properties. City Ordinance: Sec. 66-2.
Animals: Animals are not permitted inside the Ben Robertson Community Center without prior approval of the Parks & Recreation Director.