City of Belle Plaine
City of Belle Plaine

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Special Events
Pickle BallPickle BallTournamentPickle Ball Pickle BallTournament ScheduleStandingsAccess League Portal
Sand Volleyball LeagueSand Volleyball LeagueSand Volleyball League Sand Volleyball LeagueStandingsAccess League Portal
Youth Leagues
Youth T-ball Leagues2024 Minor League T-ballYouth T-ball Leagues 2024 Minor League T-ballStandingsAccess League Portal
2024 Major League T-ball - Pre-k & K (23-24 school year)Youth T-ball Leagues 2024 Major League T-ballStandingsAccess League Portal
Youth Baseball LeaguesSquirts instructional League -1st & 2nd Grade (23-24 school year)Youth Baseball Leagues Squirts instructional StandingsAccess League Portal
Local League Baseball - 3rd & 4th Grade (2023-24 school year)Youth Baseball Leagues Local League Baseball StandingsAccess League Portal
Local League Baseball - 5th & 6th Grade (2023-24 school year)Youth Baseball Leagues Local League Baseball StandingsAccess League Portal
Youth Softball LeagueLocal League Softball - 3rd & 4th Grade (23-24 School year)Youth Softball League Local League Softball -StandingsAccess League Portal
Local League Softball - 5th & 6th Grade (23-24 School Year)Youth Softball League Local League Softball -StandingsAccess League Portal