The City of Concord Parks and Recreation Department exists to provide recreation services, parks and facilities that enrich the lives of all residents and promote the opportunity for a healthy lifestyle.
In keeping with the Mission Statement, the City of Concord has principles and guidelines governing the use of its facilities in order to provide a wholesome and enjoyable atmosphere for the public and everyone who uses the facility for whatever activity that has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.
Decisions to grant facility use will be made in accordance with the following prioritized ranking of uses and user groups:
1. City of Concord programs.
2. Programs of nonprofit groups with 501 C designations and other government agencies/departments.
3. City Resident private functions.
4. Non-City resident private functions.
I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my guests and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending in person gatherings and events and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at my event held at a City facility may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself, my guests and others, including, but not limited to Parks and Recreation Department employees and volunteers. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my guest or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my guest may experience or incur in connection with myself or my guests use of the City rented facility. I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Concord, its employees, agents, officers, officials, and representatives, of and from the claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the City of Concord, its employees, officials, officers, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after attendance of any event or program held at a City rented facility. All reservations must obey current local and state guidelines and restrictions due to COVID-19. *A reservation may be cancelled by City of Concord Parks & Recreation when deemed necessary. *In addition, all groups are responsible for making sure the facilities are set up in compliance with any and all state and local restrictions due to COVID-19.
1. “Facility” shall mean and include any meeting room, gymnasium, aquatic center, community building, fire station community room, picnic shelter, amphitheater, ball field, tennis court, basketball court or other similar recreational or community assets.
2. Anyone or any group using the facility who charges fees for admissions, sells advance tickets, takes donations, or sells concessions or products must have approval of the Parks and Recreation Department. A commission will be paid to the City of Concord based on 15% of total gross sales (for concessions, gate, and products, but not for entry fees). Full payment is due within five (5) days of the reservation. If payment is not received in a timely manner, we reserve the right to retain your security/cleaning deposit. Nonprofit groups with 501 C designation may be exempt from this provision. Consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis.
3. Any high school currently or formerly located within the City Limits of Concord may use any Parks and Recreation facility for a reunion or homecoming one time per fiscal year at no cost to the school. This provision allows for one function per school class per fiscal year.
4. A new request must be made for each use. Repetitive reservations will not be accepted. All groups or individuals may only have 2 bookings reserved at any given time. Full payment is required for all rentals at time of request. Athletic field may be exempt.
5. Anyone using the amphitheaters or any event including with any type of amplification, bands, DJ ( COI's are required), speakers, etc. must contact the Concord Police Department at 704-920-5007 and submit a "Noise Permit Application" to the Concord Police Department at least 4 days prior to event. Permit must be signed by the Chief of Police to be valid.
6. No music and no DJs permitted at the Fire Department Community Rooms at Fire Stations.
7. The Parks and Recreation Department must approve all requests for the right to use any recreation facility and has the right to refuse any use.
8. Parents or guardians must sign for anyone under 18 years of age. Youth groups requesting use of the facility must provide written assurance of adequate adult supervision.
9. Affixing of any material to the walls, floors, ceilings, windows or light fixtures is prohibited. Any decorations that are used must be removed at the end of the event. Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of the deposit. For Fire Stations NO affixing any material to the walls, floors, ceiling, window or light fixtures. Any decorations used must be removed at the end of the event. Chairs and tables are to be placed back in classroom style.
10. No staples or nails may be used on any park property.
11. Picnic tables in shelters may not be moved from on shelter to another.
12. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and substances are not permitted in our on City of Concord facilities and their use will not be tolerated.
13. Weapons of all kinds are prohibited except law enforcement officers in the execution of their duties and public demonstrations as approved by the Department Director.
14. Smoking or tobacco use of any kind is prohibited in all parks and facilities.
15. Use of any facility for ultimate fighting, strong man, “he-man” or any other type of violent physical contest, wherein contestants fight one another for a title or prize, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply to traditional amateur wrestling contests or to classes such as martial arts or self-defense related skills.
15. Any behavior that may impede the normal operation of the facility or the safety, health and welfare of the public and City employees is prohibited.
16. Your activity must not disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or group occupying other areas of the
17. Cooking allowed in designated areas only. Advance approval is required for use of grease/deep fat frying plus an additional $100 deposit. Grease and oils must be removed from the facility. All events that require open flames (cookout, barbeque, etc.) must be pre-approved and comply with all fire codes of the State of NC and the corresponding ordinances of the City of Concord.
18. Park and facility policies and operating hours must be observed. Time of use indicated on permit.
19. The person to whom this Facility Use permit is issued is the contact person and must be on the premises during the entire event and have the approved permit in his/her possession during the time of approved use.
20. Failure to comply with the above rules and regulations may result in forfeiture of security/cleaning deposit, payment
of additional damage fees, if applicable, and loss of privileges for use of the facility.
21. All City of Concord “Code of Ordinance” rules and regulations apply.
22. Facility or shelter should be left clean. All trash should be placed in waste receptacles or placed in dumpster. All tables and chairs should be wiped clean and restored to the original setup.
23. If kitchen has been used, all stove burners and ovens should be turned off and other posted instructions followed.
24. Key Pickup: The customer is responsible to pick up keys to locked facilities one day prior to use and that facility could be unavailable for your use if not picked up. If reservation is on Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday, please make arrangements to pick up necessary keys on Friday before event between the hours of 8am-5pm. Any special arrangements must be made in advance.
The presence of police security may be required at some events, such as athletic events, dances, private events or other occasions as required by staff. These officers will be required to be on the site for the
entire event. It is the responsibility of the renter to contract with the Concord Police Department or Cabarrus County Sheriff Department to hire off-duty police officers. Police contact information will be provided, confirmation required.
Per approval of the Parks and Recreation Department, organizations, clubs and individuals may secure vendors
or caterers for their events; however, the City has the sole authority to designate the areas where equipment may be brought in to the rented space and where it may be set up. Required forms and approval prior to event.
If food, tickets or products are sold, a commission must be paid to the City of Concord based on 15% of total gross sales. This payment is due within five (5) days of the reservation date. The City of Concord reserves the right to retain the security/cleaning deposit if payment is not received in a timely manner. Organizations with 501C may be exempt from this procedure.
1. $1,000,000 minimum insurance coverage General Liability (Auto Insurance as applicable) is required for events where food or entertainment is served or provided by a Vendor, Caterer, Concessionaire, inflatables, rides, animals or other entertainment (example DJ’s or balloonists) are brought onto the premises. Within 14 days after the reservation request the Applicate, Vendor, Caterer, Concessionaire or Entertainment Vendor must provide proof of sufficient insurance coverage with submittal of a Certificate of Insurance (COI), naming the City of Concord as additional insured. The use of personally-owned inflatables is prohibited. A COI example is available, if needed. COI must be submitted and approved prior to reservation approval.
2. Cabarrus Health Alliance and the Tax Office must authorize the serving or sale of any food items. Proof of such authorization is required.
3. Vendors/Caterers/Concessionaires must display any and all certifications, permits and licenses in full view of the public at all times during the scheduled event.
4. Vendors/Caterers/Concessionaires shall provide and maintain the necessary inventory required to satisfy and conform to Federal, State and County Health Regulations.
5. Trash generated by applicate/vendors/caterers/concessionaires, (i.e. crates, boxes) brought into the facility for preparation of food, beverages, or packaging shall be removed by the applicate/vendor/caterer/concessionaire. These shall be placed in outdoor waste receptacles/dumpsters.
6. Please be aware that some special events may require Certificate of Insurance (COI). $1,000,000 minimum insurance coverage General Liability (Auto Insurance as applicable) naming the City of Concord as additional insured.
1. A separate cleaning deposit of $50-$500 will be required, depending upon the facility, nature of the event and recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Director. Additional deposits required for additional reservations after the initial reservation. The contact person and his/her organization will be held responsible for returning areas used to the condition of cleanliness in which they were at the time of rental. Trashcans are provided at all facilities. No food or drink left in facility, kitchen areas or refrigerators. Failure to leave areas in satisfactory condition could lead to the forfeiture of your cleaning deposit and rights to future use. If the facility is left in satisfactory condition, all conditions are met and no damages are reported, the deposit will be refunded. A recreation department employee will inspect and release the facility. The processing of the refund may take several weeks.
2. You will be required to pay for any damages incurred to the building, equipment or furniture during your use of the facility. Your cleaning deposit may be held until damages are paid in full.
3. Failure to return a key within 2 days of event may mean forfeiture of your deposit as locks will have to be replaced.
4. During regular business operating hours, organizations with a valid 501 C designation may have their hourly fee waived by the Director or authorized designee. All applicants including 501 C are responsible for direct cost incurred for staffing outside normal posted center hours and deposit.
5. Greenway Rental Information
Rental Fee for Greenways is $350.00 plus $500.00 deposit. Fee is for a 6 hour rental period for road races and walks. Events to be complete at 12:00 pm. Fee covers reservations of both McGee and Myers Park and their amenities. Includes, parking on the ballfields, mile markers, time clock & Parks & Recreation liaison.
6. Field Reservation-Tournaments
Rental Fee for Tournaments/Spectator Events $150.00 to $200.00 per field plus deposit ranging from $50.00 to
$500.00. COI and police coverage may apply. A 15% commission paid to the City of Concord from an revenues from the event.
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