HPRD Policies
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Terms & Conditions
I. The Town of Huntersville indoor facilities, fields, parks and shelters are operated by Huntersville Parks and Recreation Department (“HPRD”) and are available for use by priority as follows:
- Huntersville Parks and Recreation/Town/government agency functions.
- Huntersville Co-sponsor groups.
- Huntersville non-profit, civic group, community-serving functions.*
- Private, non-profit and/or functions sponsored by and involving those who are not residents* of the Town of Huntersville.
*Organizations are considered non-profit as defined by IRS 501(c)3. NOTE: Organizations may be required to sign a statement certifying group is non-profit and/or Huntersville residents** or provide proof of such.
**Resident= (1) has Huntersville address and/or (2) is a Huntersville taxpayer and/ (3) lives within the Huntersville ETJ.
II. All user/renter groups must complete a Facility Usage/Rental Application that may be obtained from HPRD during regular business hours (Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm). The application and ALL appropriate fees are due at the time the reservation is made. NO facilities will be placed ON HOLD.
III. Profit-making or commercial events will not be permitted in town facilities/parks, without approval from the HPRD Director. Charitable, non-profit, community-serving organizations wishing to conduct an event on Town property for the purpose of raising funds will need special permission from HPRD. Complete the Parks & Facility Usage Application and submit it to [email protected]. Once the event type has been reviewed, a staff member will contact you with the Special Event Manual & Permit Guide.
IV. The Town reserves the right to require police/security for functions as deemed appropriate. Renter/User is responsible for arranging and funding police/security.
V. A Deposit Fee of $100 for HACC, $200 for Dellwood Center and $200-$500 (dependent upon event type) for Veterans Park, is required prior to the rental of the facility. Any deposit fee charged will be returned, in full, to the renter/user UNLESS: (a) renter pays the security deposit with a credit card (in this case a refund of only 95% will be given), or (b) HPRD determines the facility has been damaged, or (c) that special services (cleaning, equipment maintenance, paint, etc.) are required as a result of the activity, or (d) the event is cancelled by the patron with less than seven (7) business days’ notice to HPRD (M-F, excluding holidays), or (e) staff time (other than normal general cleaning) is necessary to return facility to the same condition as found (i.e. tables and chairs must be put away, trash should be bagged and placed in the outside bin, etc.), or (f) the user/renter was at the facility before or after the designated time stated on the contract. Long-term rental requests (more than 3 months) may be eligible for monthly payments. The deposit and one month’s rent is due upfront.
VI. Refund & Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be given in writing to [email protected]. Refunds will be given based on the following conditions: cancellations more than seven (7) days out receive a 90% refund, cancellations made less than seven (7) days out will not receive a refund. Cancellations due to inclement weather will be assessed on an individual basis. All refund requests must come in writing to the Administrative Office of the Town of Huntersville Parks and Recreation Department. No requests may be taken off-site at programs or other facilities. Long term rentals must give thirty (30) days’ notice when cancelling their permit to avoid forfeiting their deposit.
VII. COI Policy: Any organization that is a formal organization such as non-profits or private businesses must provide a Certificate of Insurance. This includes athletic associations, churches, private companies (example: an individual doing private or group lessons), non-profit charity organizations, tournament groups. Renter must also provide a Certificate of Insurance if using any third party vendor at the event (bounce house, DJ, food truck/caterer, etc.).
VIII. The facility is rented/available for usage AS IS. Each renter/user group is responsible for any and all arrangements, activity supervision, well-being and orderly conduct of all persons involved with event, set-ups, equipment, etc. relating to the event, program or activity.
IX. The following regulations apply to groups renting/utilizing this facility. Failure to abide by these regulations can result in loss of deposit.
- Abide by all Town of Huntersville, Mecklenburg County and specific Center regulations that may be posted at a particular center.
- Parking in designated areas ONLY.
- No tampering with plants/shrubs.
- No dumping/littering.
- A) No equipment, furnishings or materials other than those customarily in use in/on the rented facility will be provided by HPRD. Prior approval by HPRD must be given for use of the Center/Department materials.
B) User/Renter must obtain approval from HPRD to utilize any materials not already present in/on the facility but intended to be brought in for the group’s usage. All such materials not belonging to the Department should be removed immediately after usage.
- User/Renter is responsible for:
- Visiting the facility prior to reservation or use to determine suitability for purpose intended by renter/user;
- Reserving required time to adequately set up for and clean up after the event when stating total time of reservation;
- Leaving facility in same condition as it was found (litter-free, clean, equipment put up, etc.);
- Ensuring all participants abide by the rules, policies, and ordinances established for the facility, including rules set forth for specific facilities or outlined within the usage agreement contract, if applicable.
- No decorations, posters and/or signs shall be affixed to walls or ceilings without written approval from HPRD. No permanent changes are allowed to the facility. No bolts, screws, or nails shall be placed on the walls, floors, or any fixture indoors or out. No banners, tents or concession operations will be allowed without prior written approval from HPRD. User/renter must take down decorations and tape.
- No alcoholic beverages of any kind—BEER, WINE OR ALCOHOL are allowed on any Town property.
- Abiding by and limiting admittance/participation according to room capacity established by the Fire Marshall.
- Following any additional rules and regulations that may be enforced for use of this facility.
- Any advertisement of this facility usage must state that this event is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by the Town of Huntersville.
- Any exterior signage must be approved through the Town of Huntersville signage permit process.
X. It shall be the responsibility of the HPRD Director to give any special interpretation or to make any decision concerning the use of the facilities not covered specifically in this policy or when there is a question concerning the use of the facilities. The Town reserves the right to refuse any request for use of any facility based on the concern for health, safety and welfare of the user, invited guests or the general public, as well as the protection from damages and security of the building, field or facility.
XI. The person making this reservation is responsible for seeing that all HPRD rules and regulations are adhered to. If deviation from the policies causes damage to the building/field/park area, the organizing person/group shall be held liable. User/Renter will indemnify and hold the Town of Huntersville and the County of Mecklenburg free and harmless from any and all liability on account of injury to any person or persons or damage to any property or properties growing out of or directly or indirectly resulting from any activity sponsored or conducted by the user/renter.
I understand that in signing below OR on the attached contract, I certify that I am the authorized and responsible representative of the group associated with this rental/use. I also certify by my signature that I have received and read the Town of Huntersville Rental and Usage Policies and that I will comply with the regulations, policies and fees established for use of this facility.
I understand that this reservation is not confirmed until payment is received and unless a contract is returned to me signed by a representative of HPRD and the Department has received payment.
Organization Representative _______________________________________ Date: _______________
HPRD Rep. ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________
In the event of a problem with the facility at the time of the event, please call 704.591.3745.
Revised 9/2020
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