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Lakeland, TN Parks and Recreation
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Youth Leagues
Recreation and Competitive Basketball24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 12URecreation and Competitive Basketball 24-25 CStandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 10U2024-25 10U End of Season Tournament StandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 10URecreation and Competitive Basketball 24-25 CStandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 8U2024-25 8U End of Season Tournament StandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 8URecreation and Competitive Basketball 24-25 CStandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 6U2024-25 6U End of Season Tournament StandingsAccess League Portal
24-25 Coed Rec Basketball 6URecreation and Competitive Basketball 24-25 CStandingsAccess League Portal