Hialeah Parks and Communi Policies
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Terms & Conditions
Insufficient Funds
In the event that a patron submits payment in the form of a check for any products or services and the payment is returned to the Department of Parks and Recreation as "Insufficient Funds," the payee will be notified and must repay within ten (10) business days. All repayments must be in the form of cash or cashier's check. A $35 penalty fee will also be assessed to the payee if this occurs. Failure to repay the the amount owed within the given timeframe will result in the immediate termination of the agreed upon service or sale of product.
The payee's account may also be suspended from further purchases until the amount owed is paid in full.
Insurance Requirements
It shall be unlawful for any individual, organization, firm, corporation, partnership or any other entity not an integral part of, directly connected with or under the immediate supervision of the city to use real or personal property which the city owns, controls or exercises dominion over without first the city having issued written authorization for such use after being furnished insurance protection or a certificate of insurance naming the city as the insured and to hold harmless the city to the limits of the insurance coverage of the individual, organization, firm, corporation, partnership or any other entity. However, in no case shall the insurance be less than $100,000.00 for any claim or judgment, and $200,000.00 for the same incident or occurrence, except this shall not apply to unsupervised individual free play or other individual activities on areas designated for public use.
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